Bringing single professional Catholics together, in an environment that is christian of, through social, recreational, athletic, cultural, charitable, and spiritual activities.

Bringing single professional Catholics together, in an environment that is christian of, through social, recreational, athletic, cultural, charitable, and spiritual activities.

Catholic Alumni Club of Pittsburgh

About us / whom we are

The Catholic Alumni Club is Pittsburgh’s leading occasions company for solitary expert Catholics. CAC can be your gateway to meet up people, make new friends, and enjoy g d times with other people who share your faith, values, and passions.

Were single professional Catholics who are free to marry into the Catholic Church and over 21 years old.

We originate from numerous walks of life, and from all over Pittsburgh’s tri-state area. But we do share a common faith and similar values, as we gather together in relationship, enjoying each other people’ business and also the activities our company is engaged in.

Our Events / just What we do

CAC of Pittsburgh provides a wide range of fun, exciting, and fulfilling activities. We have one thing for everyone!

A way that is g d get started go to our Meetup site, sign up, and participate in!

Heres a sampling of our activities

Fortsätt läsa ”Bringing single professional Catholics together, in an environment that is christian of, through social, recreational, athletic, cultural, charitable, and spiritual activities.”